Webinar om Covid

Kjære kolleger,

Norsk anestesiologisk forening holdt 4. juni 2020 et “live event” om oppfølging, etterbehandling og rehabilitering av pasienter behandlet i intensivavdeling pga COVID-19.

Opptak av webinaret er tilgjengelig via denne lenken (Microsoft Teams).

Dette er aktuelt for anestesileger, intensivsykepleiere, spesialister i fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, spesialister i indremedisin, fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter og andre med interesse for oppfølging og rehabilitering av COVID-19 pasienter.

“Maximizing Recovery from COVID-19 and Respiratory Failure”

Speakers: Professor Theodore «Jack» Iwashyna, Ann Arbor, Michigan, US: “Avoiding Avoidable Errors”

Dr. Iwashyna’s research focuses on the organization of critical care services to provide high quality and value and improved outcomes. His work seeks to understand the context of critical illness (and severe sepsis in particular), both in how critical illness influences a patient’s life course, and in how the organizational environment influences the effectiveness of the care that a patient receives. His research interests also include health system organization, evaluating hospital quality of care, and medical education. More info: https://ihpi.umich.edu/our-experts/tiwashyn

Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer Joanne McPeake, Glasgow, UK: “Building a recovery programme”

Dr McPeake is a Nurse Consultant in Clinical Research and Innovation in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, a THIS Institute post-doctoral research fellow (University of Cambridge) and an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Her principle research interest is related to long term outcomes following critical illness. Specifically, she is focussed on how the social determinants of health influence recovery in this group. Joanne is actively engaged in working with patients, carers and the lay public in the design, execution and dissemination of research activities. She has set up various patient forums and has published and held research grants with patients and caregivers. More: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/medicine/staff/joannemcpeake/

Joanne McPeake et al. Key Components of ICU Recovery Programs: What Did Patients Report Provided Benefit? Critical Care Explorations: April 2020 – Volume 2 – Issue 4 – pe0088. https://journals.lww.com/ccejournal/Fulltext/2020/04000/Key_Components_of_ICU_Recovery_Programs__What_Did.10.aspx

Kimberley J Haines et al. Enablers and Barriers to Implementing ICU Follow-Up Clinics and Peer Support Groups Following Critical Illness: The Thrive Collaboratives. Crit Care Med. 2019 Sep;47(9):1194-1200. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6699486/

Samuel Kosinski et al. What Is Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr 15;201(8):P15-P16. https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/rccm.2018P15

Lynda M.Thurston et al. Defining Patient-Centered Recovery After Critical Illness – A Qualitative Study. Journal of Critical Care. Volume 57, June 2020, Pages 84-90. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0883944119317435?via%3Dihub